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WASHINGTON, D. C., [[blank date line]] 18[[blank space]] 

This is the condition of the material in my section at present.

During the past month a start has been made in the way of supplying me with the necessary conveniences to carry out a line of work that I here respectfully submit, trusting that it may meet your approval.

1. That the specimens be cleaned and prepared, [[strikethrough]] with the object in view [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] and divided into two parts [[/insertion]], one part for exhibition, and the other to be properly and conveniently stored for the purpose of reference and study.  The first part to illustrate generic types, the second to contain at least [[underline]] one [[/underline]] specimen of everything on hand.

2. That the collection be card catalogued, the cards to be retained in trays, as with other collections in the Museum. (The cards and trays have already been supplied me.)