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WASHINGTON, D. C., [[blank date line]] 18[[blank space]] 

attention of collectors and others, when opportunity offers, be called to the importance of forwarding this class of material and skeletons of both [[underline]]  young [[/underline]] and old be collected.

The writer trusts that in due time the department of avian osteology of the Institution will at least illustrate our native avi-fauna, as well as, the more important foreign forms, and to this end it is his intention to apply himself - feeling confident of the continuance of the able support he has thus far received.

I Am Sir
Very Respectfully
[[signed]] R.W. Shufeldt [[/signed]]
Hon. Cur. Sect. Osteology

Transcription Notes:
From the instructions: ^ and double brackets [[ ]] used for handwritten notes on or near typewritten text