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the collection of foreign reptiles, an exhibition, reserve and general series, similar to the plan at present in use for North American Reptiles. 

[[underlined]] c. [[/underlined]] By special request from Dr. John J. Mason, of Newport, R.I., some three years since, specimens of reptiles were sent him for special study upon their nervous system. His results have been embodied in a large [[???]] vol. appearing in 1882, entitled: "Minute structure of the [[???]] nervous system of certain Reptiles and Batrachians of America."

A specimen of Heloderma suspectum the "Gila monster," and some rattlesnakes and moccasins have been forwarded to Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, of Philadelphia, who is making a special study of venoms. He states, that the saliva of the Gila monster, has poisonous qualities exceeding that of the rattlesnake. 

[[underlined]] d. [[/underlined]] Bibliography of papers. The Curator has identified and named a number of