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new sub-species of N.A. Reptiles, which have been printed in the Proceedings of the national Museum for 1882. There still remains some description in Manuscript to be inserted in the next volume.

Bulletin 24, National Museum, has also been prepared and printed under his direction, and will make a book of nearly three hundred pages. 

There is in course of preparation, a volume upon North American Herpetology, which it is hoped will be a handbook for students. It is in a foreword condition, and will be ready for the printer late in the fall of this year.

[[underlined]] 4. Present state of collection. [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] a. [[/underlined]] Number of specimens. Reserve series 7.972 - General series 2.698 - On exhibition 
600 - Duplicates 2000? - Unidentified 5000?
Total 18258 North American Reptiles. Foreign Reptiles, about 8000 - about 1450 on