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the pages of Virginia's colonial history to welcome back the old tribal name of the Rapahanocks and to wish them success and permanency in their organization which is intended to continue the social and educational uplift of the redman's descendants. This is a fruitful outcome of the two c enturies of Christian teaching and civilization which their unselfish and well-wishing white neighbors have bestowed upon them.

The white blood which flows in the veins of all the Rapahanocks was derived from some of the best stock of the state. A family tradition related by old Robert Nelson, one of the patriarchs of the Rapahanocks, tells how during the Indian wars, one Captain Carey Nelson pursuing the Indians into the forest after defeating one of their villages, discovered hiding behind a large log, across his trail three little Indian girls. Captain Nelson rescued the children, brought them to his home and raised them in culture and refinement. One of them, when she grew into beautiful womanhood became his ^[[insert]] sons [[/insert]] bride, one of the others became the bride of Captain     Johnson, and the other was married by a      Spurlock. From these three individuals, many of the Rapahanock families trace their origin, pointing with great pride to the reminiscence of their free blood on both sides. Other stories of considerable interest in colonial history are current among the Indians. Some of their interesting customs are also remembered and are being recorded by a member of the Department of Anthropology of the University of Pennsylvania. Collections of native handicraft, baskets, and the like will soon be placed on exhibition in some of the museums in the East along side of specimens of handiwork of other American Indian tribes. Not until research is completed, will the full story of the Rapahanocks be disclosed and even then, much will be found to have been lost