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no 6,

one of them when She Grew into beautifull woman Hood became his bride, one of the others became the bride of Captain Johnson and the other was married to a Mr Spurlock in King William Co VE, from these three individuals, many of the Rappahanock familes trace their origan, pointing with great pride to the Reminiscence of our free blood on both Sides, other Stories of Considerable interest in Colonial history are current. Among the Indians. Some of our Enteresting Customs are also Remembered and are being Recorded by a Member of the department of Anthropology of the University of pensylvania, collections of native Handicraft, Baskets and the Like will soon be placed on Exibition in some of the Museums in the East. Along side of Specimens of handiwork of other American Indian tribes, Not until Research is completed, will the full Story of the Rappahanocks be disclosed, and eaven then much will be found to have been lost beyond recall due to the Damageing hand of time and to the Catastrophe which befell the Records of Many Virginia Court-houses when they were burned by the Union Army in a campagn around Richmond

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