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all this sounds very well, but it is enough to make ones heart bleed to see the way in which is is carried [[underline]] out [[/underline]]  Many times the Indians do not wish to take their lands in serviality  Certainly we should not be forced to do so against our will.  Yet commission after commission special agent after special agent is sent to tribes to persuade beg and harass into acepting allotment many times half threats are made, hints are vaguely thrown out as to what may happen if they dont take their little farms and sell the ballance of their reservation  Surveyers are hired to go and survey in the reservations so as to make the Indians think their land will be taken and anyhow at last they give up and take their little farms and sell the ballance of their land for a small price and those who were Endustrious take care of their land and the one who is not rent their land to some white man and spend their money in strong drink.  As long as they were in the reservation their was laws to protect them from bad neighbors & whiskey, but in his little farm the Indian may be next door to bad white men who sell him liquor when ever it is to their advantage