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[[underlined]] Smithsonian Institution
Total Return Income Payout Alternatives [[/underlined]]

[[8 column table]]
   | FY 1981 | FY 1982* | FY 1983* | FY 1984 A 4-1/2% Formula | FY 1984 B* No Increase | FY 1984 C* 5% Increase To Restr. | FY 1984 D* 8% Increase To Restr.
Payout Rate/Unit Actual - To Units | 5.50 | 5.005.94 | 5.00/6.24 | 6.27 | 5.00/6.24 | 5.00/6.24 | 5.00/6.55 | 5.00/6.74
Payout Rate/Unit -For investment managers | .64 | .64 | .64 | .64 | .64 | .64 | .64
   | 6.14 | 5.64/6.58 | 5.64/6.88 | 6.91 | 5.64/6.88 | 5.64/7.19 | 5.64/7.38
Dividend & Interest Yield/Unit | 8.26 | 9.94 | 9.64 | 9.64 | 9.64 | 9.64 | 9.64
Amount Reinvested in Principal -Per Unit | 2.12 | 4.13/3.19 | 4.00/2.76 | 2.73 | 4.00/2.76 | 4.00/2.45 | 4.00/2.26
Amount Reinvested in Principal -Total Amount ($1,000's) | 1,214 | 2,064 | 1,952 | 1,690 | 2,058 | 1,924 | 1,856
Distributions: ($1,000's) -To Freer | 839 | 907 | 953 | 959 | 953 | 1,000 | 1,029
Distributions: ($1,000's) -To Other Restricted Funds | 1,132  | 1,210 | 1,277 | 1,307 | 1,277 | 1,364 | 1,403
Distribution: ($1,000's) -To Unrestricted Funds | 1,157 | 1,158 | 1,238 | 1,627 | 1,295 | 1,295 | 1,295
Total to Beneficiaries | 3,128 | 3,275 | 3,468 | 3,893 | 3,525 | 3,659 | 3,727
Investment Manger Fees | 363 | 367 | 380 | 394 | 394 | 394 | 394
Total Distributed | 3,491 | 3,642 | 3,848 | 4,287 | 3,919 | 4,053 | 4,121
[[end table]]

*Per unit figures are shown for unrestricted/restricted.