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OM 688 (Rev)

(c) [[underlined]]Effect of Filing a Financial Statement[[\underlined]]

The filing of a required financial statement and the disclosure of certain financial or other interests does not in any way exempt the employee from full compliance with these Standards, or from any disciplinary action as a resuly of noncompliance. For example, the listing of an outside wmployment does not relieve the employee to the  obligation to seek consultation, and clearance if necessary, to ensure that the employment does not involve a conflict of interest of an appearance of conflict.

(d) [[underlined]]Interests of Employees' Relatives[[\underlined]]

Each employee's report must include information, as called for in each section, concerning his/her income, and property interests of a spouse or dependent child, as well as certain gifts and reimbursments they may have received. "Dependent child" includes any child or stepchild under age 21 who lives in the employee's household, or any child or stepchild who was claimed as a dependent on the employee's income tax returns. Employees need not report the interests of a spouse with whom they do not reside, unless he/she is a dependent.

(e) [[underlined]]Review of Financial Statements[[\underlined]]

The Ethics Counselor shall review the Confidential Statements of Employment and Financial Interests submitted by employees. When this review indicates a conflict between the interests of an employee and his/her responsibilities in the performance of his/her services for the Institution, the Counselor will bring the conflict to the attention of the employee and attempt to resolve the situation. If the conflict cannot be resolved after discussing it with the employee, the counselor shall forward to the Under Secretary a written report on the conflict. the Under Secretary shall decide what, if any, remedial or disciplinary action is required to end the conflict or appearance of conflict.


Where activities are carried out or work performed for outside organizations as a part of an employee's Smithsonian duties (such as participation in conferences or seminars sponsored by other museums or professional organizations) employees may accept directly from the outside organization reimbursement for expenses of travel, accommodations and subsistence, and such other necessary reimbursement for which no Smithsonian reimbursement is made.

(a) [[underlined]]Procedures for Approval of Reimbursements and Their Sources[[\underlined]]

Advance approvals for reimbursements directly to the employee must be obtained pursuant to the procedures outlined in Smithsonian Office Memorandum 772 (rev.), [[underlined]]Financial Support From Outside the Smithsonian[[\underlined]], General Guidelines § 12. Such reimbursements, accommodations, or travel expenses may be accepted