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September 19, 1983

   The Chancellor opened the meeting by welcoming the new Regents, Senator Sasser and Mrs. Clark.  He then lamented the sudden death of Senator Jackson and the Regents adopted the following resolution:

RESOLVED that the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution has received with profound sorrow the announcement of Senator Henry M. Jackson's sudden death of September 1, 1983.  The Regents express their heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Jackson and the Jackson family, but cannot adequately convey their deep sense of loss which the Institution, the Nation and the world have sustained in the passing of this extraordinary statesman, a member of the United States Congress for more than 42 years and a member of the Board of Regents for more than a decade.

With all his consuming responsibilities he maintained an active interest in the many facets of the Smithsonian.  Among the most useful of his many accomplishments were those achieved in his important role as the founding Chairman of the Audit and Review Committee of the Board of Regents.  In this capacity he contributed to significant organizational and managerial improvements and to better understanding of the Smithsonian in the Congress and by the public.

The Regents here record their great debt and heartfelt gratitude to Henry M. Jackson for his wise counsel and unfailing dedication to the best interests of the Institution.  Like his service to our country and to all mankind, his contributions to the "increase and diffusion of knowledge" at this Institution are indelibly inscribed in the annals of Smithsonian history.  He will be sorely missed, but never forgotten.

Resolution of Appreciation from the Trustees of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

   The Secretary presented to the Regents a handsomely printed and framed resolution of appreciation from the Board of Trustees of the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, adopted at the Trustees' Spring 1983 meeting.  It read: