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[[underlined]] Policy on Public and Congressional Information[[/underlined]]

The Regents agreed that a proposed statement represented a consensus of their views, and with one negative vote recorded it was

VOTED that the Board of Regents adopts the policy on public and Congressional information as reflected in the following statement, with the understanding that this policy will be reviewed periodically by the Board.  This statement is to be released to the press and forwarded to the chairmen of the appropriate Congressional committees as soon as practicable.

The statement, presented as a Press Release, announced the Regents' intention to continue to meet in executive session.  The statement reviewed the essence of the Regents' prior discussions, emphasizing the Regents conviction that their actions should be communicated openly and widely to the Congress, press, and public.  The current practices for post-meeting briefings and the distribution of summaries of proceedings and minutes were also discussed.  It was noted that the Government in the Sunshine Act does not apply to the Smithsonian, and the Regents must weigh the advantages and disadvantages of open meetings in light of their trust responsibilities.

Recognizing the advantages of open meetings for communications, the Regents noted that the presence of observers would affect the Board's deliberations and decision-making.  Their meetings are generally their only opportunity for interaction with each other, their committees, and the executive staff.

Henceforth, in furtherance of the Regents' expressed objective of complete and timely communications, a representative of the Regents will appear with the staff at the post-meeting briefing, an agenda for the meeting will be distributed to the press at that time, and a summary of proceedings will be routinely supplied to the press and interested Congressional committees as soon as practicable after each meeting.  The policy will be reviewed periodically by the Regents.


The GSA awarded a construction contract to the Black Construction Company for $39,377,000.  Notice to proceed was issued on July 21, 1983 and completion is due by January 20, 1986.  GSA will administer the contract for the Smithsonian and the Government, and has been assigning administrative, technical, and professional staff for the various monitoring and inspecting responsibilities.  Project architects Shepley, Bulfinch, Richardson and Abbott remain under contract with GSA for purposes of reviewing the contractor's submittals and monitoring construction.  Smithsonian responsibilities will be carried out by the Assistant Secretary for Administration and the Director of Facilities, assisted by the legal firm of Lewis, Mitchell and Moore.  The Blake Construction Company is on site and has begun preliminary excavation work.  Completion