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It will be imperative to relocate the Garber facility near an active, major airfield with sufficient space for anticipated requirements. After four years of study, Dulles Airport emerged as the only local facility to meet all criteria, and the Institution has received informal indications of support from the FAA, state and county authorities, local citizens, and the aviation community. The plan envisions a ten-to-fifteen-year-period of transferring from the existing facility to a new one. Staff now anticipates a request of $1.2 million in FY 1987 for planning and design, to be followed by a construction request of $12 million in FY 1988. 

The Regents agreed with these conclusions and expressed confidence in the project. 

[[underlined]] Order of James Smithson [[/underlined]]

Mr. Hadley Griffin, Chairman of the National Board of Smithsonian Associates, proposed the establishment of a Special Order to recognize and encourage extraordinarily important contributions to the work of the Smithsonian. It was

VOTED that the Board of Regents establishes the Order of James Smithson to be conferred upon those rare individuals whose contributions to the Smithsonian measurably transcend existing honors for service to the Institution. It is anticipated that nominations of honorees will be made to the Secretary by the National Board of the Smithsonian Associates in accordance with the highest and most rigorous standards and that formal investitures will take place at dinners of the Board of Regents or other suitable occasions. 

[[underlined]] Participation in Edinburgh Festival [[/underlined]]

The Secretary reported that the Institution has been invited to send an exhibition to the August 1984 Edinburgh Festival. Regents, Regents Emeritus, and members of the National Board of Smithsonian Associates could accompany the exhibition and be received as an official delegation. The visit could make the 200th anniversary of a curious tour of James Smithson, William Thornton, and Abbé Saint-Fond to the Highlands. In response to the Regents' enthusiasm the Secretary agreed to explore the matter and report further at the next meeting. 

[[underlined]] Status reports [[/underlined]]

The Secretary discussed status reports on the following topics:

Museum Support Center and Collections Management
Other Major Construction Projects
International Exchange Service
Television and Film