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Also present were:

D. Michael Harvey, Assistant to Senator Jackson
Carroll H. Leggett, Assistant to Senator Morgan
Paul Schoellhamer, Assistant to Mr. Mineta

[[underlined]] Smithsonian Staff [[/underlined]]

Phillip S. Hughes, Under Secretary
John F. Jameson, Assistant Secretary for Administration
Christian C. Hohenlohe, Treasurer
Peter G. Powers, General Counsel
James M. Hobins, Executive Assistant to the Secretary
Chris Peratino, Director, Office of Audits
Ralph Rinzler, Director, Office of Public Service
Chic Cherkezian, Director, Office of Telecommunications
Alan D. Ullberg, Associate General Counsel
Tom Wolf, Consultant

[[underlined]] Coopers and Lybrand [[/underlined]]

A. William Mann, Partner-in-Charge
John D. Strom, Engagement Manager

At the Chairman's request, Mr. Hughes introduced Mr. Wolf, who outlined information distributed in advance on the history and status of the Institution's major television project, SMITHSONIAN WORLD. Mr. Wolf showed the Committee a 90-second film for the promotion of the series on Public Broadcasting System stations. Noting that the series' format is yet to be determined, he showed a "rough-cut" 15-minute segment featuring Hirshhorn Museum Director Abram Lerner touring the Museum and discussing the "language" of modern art. The Committee was pleased with the progress on and the prospects for this magazine-format series, and expressed optimism that the show will broaden the Institution's educational outreach throughout the nation. The Committee was appreciative for the comprehensive written report on SMITHSONIAN WORLD and other television and film projects, which were discussed briefly by Mr. Cherkezian. 

Mr. Hughes noted that he and Mr. Humelsine have brought forth for the Committee's consideration several recommendations to introduce a greater degree of scheduling and formality into the review of employees' annual statements of financial interests as a means of ensuring greater accountability.