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Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (CBCES-RBL)
Smithsonian Institution Press
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service
Smithsonian Magazine
Smithsonian National Associate Program
Smithsonian Resident Associate Program
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute

Messrs. Strom and Mann outlined for the Committee Coopers and Lybrand's 1982 Report to Management, noting that Smithsonian management has concurred in practically all of their recommendations in data processing operations and financial controls. It was noted that certain suggested improvements will need to await a new computer system. After the Committee discussed several recommendations, Messrs. Mann and Strom introduced their plan for Coopers and Lybrand's consolidated audit of the Institution's fiscal year 1983 appropriated and trust funds. They informed the Committee that there would be a modest rotation of their staff to ensure a thorough audit. 

In an executive session of the Committee with Smithsonian and Regents' staff, Mr. Hohenlohe distributed excerpts from the Regents' Minutes of January 22 and May 7, 1979 relating to the selection of Coopers and Lybrand as auditors and a March 2, 1979 "Request for Proposal for Audit of Smithsonian Institution Trust Funds." Referring to these documents, Mr. Hohenlohe said that the Regents established a policy in 1979 that the performance of the auditors should be reviewed after at least five years and a judgment should at that time be made whether to undertake an open selection process. Mr. Hohenlohe pointed out that the auditors are now entering their fifth year