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With regard to the Special Foreign Currency Program, the requests of $4 million for the grants program and $1,040,000 for the second contribution to the Moenjodaro preservation project were approved by both Houses. Of the $4 million requested for the forward-funded reserve of Indian rupees, the Senate provided $2 million while the House provided none. 

An appeal has been prepared for submission to the Conference Committee in early September. Final Congressional action is not expected before late September or early October. In view of the uncertainty of the final appropriation, the attached schedules for FY 1984 reflect the original Congressional request. 

--[[underlined]] Nonappropriated Trust Funds: [[/underlined]] FY 1984 net income from [[underlined]] Unrestricted [[/underlined]] General Trust Funds is expected to total $15,090,000, a slight decrease from projected FY 1983, but still well ahead of the FY 1984 estimate of $12.3 million made a year ago. Significant line item variances from the current year are as follows:

•Magazine - The FY 1984 estimate reflects a 5% increase in advertising rates, but no subscription price increase. Inflationary increases, especially in paper and postage costs, will produce, however, an overall reduction in net gain of $1,200,000. Continuing uncertainties on the level of future postal subsidies to non-profit organizations could alter this projection as well as that of other operations with high postal usage, such as the Mail Order Program and the Smithsonian Press. 

•The Mail Order Division, while expected to contribute a net gain of $1,200,000 for the year, will nonetheless fall somewhat short of the current year's gain of $1,470,000. 

•Gains in other auxiliary activities, particularly the Smithsonian Press and the National Associates (Contributing Membership Program), and a reduced subsidy to performing arts activities now managed by the Resident Associates Program, will in part offset reductions noted above.