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[[underlined]] Special Purpose Trust Funds [[/underlined]] include: (a) bureau activities such as the NASM Theatre and membership programs and other fund-raising activities of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum; (b) bureau discretionary funds derived from revenue-sharing transfers from central auxiliary activities, interest on fund balances, Zoo parking revenues, and other miscellaneous income; and, (c) unrestricted fund transfers designated for fellowships, the Collections Acquisition, Scholarly Studies and Educational Outreach Program, Fluid Research and Smithson Society awards. The overall level of revenues and expenditures is expected to decrease slightly in FY 1984, reflecting the full year effect of the transfer of the NASM Spacearium Shop to Museum Shop management as discussed in the May report and anticipation of more moderate returns from admission fees and other fund-raising activities at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. A small increase in anticipated revenues from the NASM Theatre and Spacearium offsets a portion of this decline and will result in a slightly higher transfer to unrestricted trust funds. 

Overall income to [[underlined]] Restricted Trust Funds [[/underlined]] will be slightly lower than in the current year. The increase by 8% of the total return endowment income payment, as approved by the Board in May, will increase investment income by approximately $200,000; however, this increase will be more than offset by a lower level of gifts and grants projected for the Archives of American Art and the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. Expenditures will be higher than in FY 1983, as prior year balances are drawn down in such funds as the Kellogg Foundation grant to the Office of Museum Programs, contributions to the Hirshhorn Museum for collections acquisition, and support for the "Precious Legacy" exhibit.