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A decrease in Federal Grants and Contracts reflect the phaseout of the Satellite Tracking Program at the Astrophysical Observatory following the Observatory's unsuccessful attempt to secure the NASA contract to operate the Goddard Laser Tracking Network. Optimism continues that NASA grants will be forthcoming for the LAMAR Space Laboratory and Detached Shuttle Payload Mission Programs. 

[[underlined]] Regents FY 1984 Budget Approval [[/underlined]]

The approval of the Regents was requested for the FY 1984 appropriated and nonappropriated trust fund budgets as outlined in the attached schedules, and accordingly it was 

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the revised budget of appropriated funds for FY 1984 and authorizes the Secretary to expend FY 1984 Federal appropriations in accordance therewith and as approved by the President.

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the budget of the nonappropriated funds for FY 1984 as presented, and authorizes expenditures by the Secretary in accordance therewith; any material changes in program plans incorporated in the budget, together with any changes of more than 10% or $250,000 in any general unrestricted fund line item or in the total administrative expenditures, shall be made only with approval of the Board of Regents or its Executive Committee. 

[[underlined]] FY 1985 - Budget (Schedule E) [[/underlined]]

The Board's approval was also requested for submission of the FY 1985 budget to the Office of Management and Budget. Preliminary estimates for nonappropriated funds have been included but will be subject to change and refinement during the budget review next spring. The overall budget projects gross operating revenue, both Federal and Trust, of $311,528,000, compared