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[[underlined]]TRUST FUNDS COMARATIVE BALANCE SHEET [[/underlined]]   Schedule I   
($1,000's)  [[underlined]] CURRENT FUNDS [[/underlined]]

[[ruled table, 4 columns]]

[[underlined]] Assets: | 9/30/81 | 9/30/82 | 6/30/83 [[/underlined]] 
Cash | $ 1,092 | $ 2,998 | $ 4,110
Investments (Book Values)* | 28,526 | 26,481 | 41,046
Receivables | 12,619 | 12,852 | 7,480
Inventories | 7,464 | 9,902 | 7,693
Prepaid & Deferred Expense | 3,457 | 4,663 | 2,051
Deferred Magazine Expense | 4,078 | 5,626 | 4,141
Capital Improvements/Equipment | [[underlined]]1,421 | 2,316 | 2,656[[/underlined]]
Total Assets | [[double underlined]]$58,657 | $64,838 | $69,177[[/double underlined]]

[[underlined]] Liabilities and Fund Balances: [[/underlined]]
Due to other Funds | $ 8,271 | $ 9,427 | $14,069
Deferred Magazine Subscr. Income | 14,597 | 16,986 | 17,804
Other current liabilities | 12,196 | 14,468 | 10,179
Fund Balances
Unrestricted Funds:
General Purpose | 5,043 | 5,048 | 8,406
Special Purpose | 12,599 | 13,003 | 12,876
Restricted Funds: | [[underlined]]5,951 | 5,906 | 5,843[[/underlined]]
Total Liabilities & Fund Bal. | [[double underlined]]$58,657 | $64,838 | $69,177 [[double underlined]]
*Market Values | $27,831 | $26,652 | $40,260

[[dashed line]]
[[underlined]] ENDOWMENT FUNDS
Cash & Notes Receivable | $72 | $142 | 230
Due from current funds | 678 | 812 | 406
Investments (Book Values)* | 73,708 | 82,069 | 95,680
Loan to U.S. Treasury | 1,000 | 1,000 | 1,000
Real Est.-Cost or Appraised Value | [[underlined]] - | 225 | 225 [[/underlined]]
Total Assets | [[double underlined]] $75,458 | $84,248 | $97,541 [[/double underlined]]

[[underlined]]Endowment Fund Balances:[[/underlined]]
Endowment | $36,322 | $39,343 | $45,439
Quasi-endowment | [[underlined]] 39,136 | 44,343 | 52,102 [[/underlined]]
Total Endow. Fund Balances | [[double underlined]] $75,458 | $84,248 | $97,541 [[/double underlined]]
*Market Values | $77,274 | $88,052 | $127,262

[[dashed line]]

[[underlined]] PLANT FUNDS
Assets: [[/underlined]]
Due from Current Funds | $7,592 | $8,618 | $13,799
Real Est,-Costs or Appraised Value | [[underlined]] 14,024 | 15,889 | 18,749 [[/underlined]]
Total Assets | [[double underlined]] $21,616 | $24,507 | $32,548 [[/double underlined]]

[[underlined]] Liabilities and Fund Balances [[/underlined]]
Liabilities | $305 | $221 | $215
Acquisition Fund Balances | 7,464 | 8,567 | 13,749
Investment in Plant | [[underlined]]13,847 | 15,719 | 18,584[[underlined]]
Total Liabil. & Fund Balances | [[double underlined]]$21,616 | $24,507 | $32,584[[/double underlined]]

[[dashed line]]

[[underlined]] AGENCY FUNDS
Assets:[ [/underlined]]
Due from Current Funds | $1,958 | $2,265 | $2,262
Investment at Cost | [[underlined]] 10 | 10 | 10 [[/underlined]]
Total Assets | [[double underlined]] $1,968 | $2,275 | $2,272 [[/double underlined]]

[[underlined]] Fund Balance:[[/underlined]]
Deposits Held in Custody | [[double underlined]] $1,968 | $2,275 | $2,272 [[/double underlined]] [[/table]]