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[[underlined]] Five-Year Prospectus, FY 1985-1989 [[/underlined]]

Mr. Jameson highlighted the draft of the [[underlined]] Five-Year Prospectus, FY 1985-1989,[[/underlined]] which document accompanies these ninutes. He introduced the following summary and tables as precis of that draft. In discussion, Dr. Gell-Mann suggested that more pan-Institutional emphasis should be given to studies of the national collections, and Mr. Jameson observed that the completion of the physical inventory and increasing applications of computer data processing should augment such approaches. Mr. Jameson encouraged the Regents to provide the staff with additional reactions to the draft. 

The Five-Year Prospectus has been updated for review by the Board of Regents at its September 19, 1983 meeting. The following summary tables have been supplemented with projections for all bureaus and offices. Accompanying text highlights expectations for FY 1984 and for the period FY 1985-1989. A special Chapter forecasts program and facility aspirations through about FY 2000.


Final Congressional action on the Institution's FY 1984 budget request is not expected until later this calendar year. The Five-Year Prospectus submitted in January 1983 built upon that request ($154,354,000) and contained an early projection for salaries and operating expenses (S&E) in FY 1985of $172,253,000. Based on spring 1983 review of bureau requirements the Institution prepared an FY 1985 submission to OMB of $171,748,000. Federal salaries and expenses (S&E) are summarized in the following table for FY 1985, with projected levels of operation for FY 1989.