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[[underlined]]Federal Salaries and Expenses[[/underlined]] 

[[table, 4 columns]]
--- | [[underlined]] FY 1985 [[/underlined]]
--- | [[underlined]] Projected in January 1983 | FY 1985 Being Submitted to OMB | Projected FY 1989 1/ [[/underlined]]

Science | $54,121 | $53,697 | $61,178
History & Art | 27,391 | 27,0451 | 32,910
Public Service | 1,596 | 1,678 | 1,704
Museum Programs | 10,785 | 9,449 | 15,102
Special Programs | 12,378 | 17,419 | 19,498
Administrative, Financial & Support Services | 11,799 | 12,291 | 12,773
Facilities Services | 50,783 | 47,043 | 54,867
Necessary Pay & Inflation [[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]/ | [[underlined]] 3,400 | 3,130 | 67,930 2/[[/underlined]]
--- | $172,253 | $171,748 | $265,962

[[underlined]] 1 [[/underlined]]/ Inflation amounts for utilities and property rentals are included in Facilities Services. Projected FY 1989 effects of legislated pay increases, necessary pay, and inflation ($67,930,000) will change when further instructions are received from OMB in late September.

[[underlined]] 2 [[/underlined]] / Cumulative amount for the period FY 1985-89.  

The FY 1985 request contains essentially the targeted amount identified in the January Prospectus, which allows the Institution to keep pace with inflationary trends; to seek funding at approximately the earlier projected levels for science, history and art, and public service programs; to initiate some exhibition and seminar activities in conjunction with the Bicentennial of the signing of the Construction; to improve the security and protection of collections and property; and to automate various records and data systems. The large increase in Special Programs and corresponding decreases in Museum Programs and Facilities services since January results from the budgetary decision to seek Quadrangle-related requirements as a line item, and to