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moderately. The state of the nation's economy in future years, of course, may effect the Institution's trust operations. Current estimates for gross and net income from unrestricted general purpose trust funds, the primary source of which is the auxiliary activities, are shown in the following table.

General Purpose
[[underlined]] Unrestricted Trust Funds [[/underlined]]

[[table, 5 columns]]

--- | [[underlined]] FY 1985 Gross | FY 1989 [[/underlined]]
--- | [[underlined]] Gross | Net | Gross | Net [[/underlined]] 
Investments | $2,450 | $2,450 | $2,650 | $2,650 
Gifts & Miscellaneous | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 
Auxiliary Activities:
Associates - Magazine | 52,700 | 8,200 | 61,000 | 9,000 
- Other | 14,885 | 715 | 19,850 | 1,840
Shops | 13,560 | 800 | 17,020 | 1,000
Mail Order | 11,300 | 1,200 | 14,760 | 1,200
Concessions & Food Services | 4,950 | 1,510 | 5,895 | 1,970
Parking | 1,290 | 800 | 1,620 | 1,030
All Other
.Photographic Sales | 120 | 10 | 140 | 10
.SI Press | 11,160 | 260 | 12,650 | 450
.SITES | 1,250 | (200) | 1,750 | (150)
.Business Office | [[underlined]] 105 | (175) | 110 | (205)[[/underlined]]
Total Unrestricted Income | $113,870 | $15,670 | $137,545 | $18,895

If realized, the unrestricted trust fund net income form these activities, which provide educational and other services to the public, will make possible continuation of:

(1) an approximate $2,200,000 to $2,500,000 annual allotment for collections acquisitions, scholarly studies and educational outreach projects;