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(2) the annual transfer of $3,000,000 to unrestricted endowment;

(3) operating allotments to Cooper-Hewitt, the Folklife unit, the Office of Teleommunications, the Visitors Reception Center, the Fellowship Programs, and Fluid Research Grants.

Also, beginning in FY 1985, provision will be made for an annual $500,000 construction contingency to help defray any future year trust fund costs that might stem from such projects as improvements to environmental research facilities near the Chesapeake Bay, establishment of a day-care center, or acquisition of institutionally owned space in lieu of leased space.

Activities supported by special purpose adn restrictd funds are also expected to increase over the period, with expenses being somewhat more than offeset by income generated from such items as ticket sales of the Air and Space theater and spacearium, Cooper-Hewitt membership programs, restricted endowment earnings, and gifts and grants. Grants and contracts also are anticipated to increase over the period if support to the Astrophysical Observatory from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration continues. Projections for these areas for FY 1985 and FY 1989 are summarized in the following table:

Special Purpose Trust Funds, Restricted Trust Funds,
[[underlined]] and Federal Grant and Contract Expectations [[/underlined]]

[[table, 3 columns]]

--- | [[underlined]] FY 1985 | FY 1989 [[/underlined]]

Special Purpose Trust Funds | $9,590 | $11,601

Restricted Trust Funds | 8,162 | 7,727

Federal Grants and Contracts | [[underlined]] 13,016 | 16,535 [[/underlined]]
--- | $30,768 | $35,863 [[/table]]