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Center, and development of storage and exhibit facilities at Dulles Airport for the Air and Space Museum.  It will also be necessary over the planning period to begin to consider Smithsonian-owned facility alternatives to the presently leased L'Enfant Plaza office space and the North Capitol Street Service Center, and solutions to consolidating library storage and other requirements.

Funding for restoration and renovation projects is planned to increase significantly.  The Institution recently completed an extensive study and design to replace the Natural History Building's heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems.  This project is necessary and estimated to cost about $26,000,000 over FY 1986-1989.  It will also be necessary to replace the Hirshhorn and Air and Space Museum's plazas during this period.  Other projects include fire, safety, and access alterations, and continuing facade and roof repairs.  Restoration and renovation work is expected to range from $20,000,000 to $26,000,000 annually in future years.

[[underlined]] Long Range Forecast [[/underlined]]

In looking beyond FY 1989, the Prospectus highlights the Institution's multinational character.  Longer-range research programs to be enhanced will include archeometry, anthropological disciplines, and expanded species conservation and propagation programs.  Collections management will be another priority, with special emphasis on continuing improvement to inventory, security, and information systems; conservation and preservation activities, loan processing arrangements; and new acquisitions.