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A section devoted to longer-run expectations in trust funds will include continued expected growth of endowment reserves.  Application of trust fund-generated surpluses to approved programs will be stressed, especially in fellowship, education and selected research and collection activities.

Federally supported grant and contract work is assumed to continue as one of the Institution's sources of funds, but only in selected areas where the Institution can contribute substantively to the advancement of knowledge.  In addition, the Institution anticipates the Foreign Currency Program to continue to remain active over the longer run.

A portion of the Prospectus will address potential long-range facilities to be developed, and will include such items as a new Anacostia Museum at Poplar Point, completion of the wing and other projects for the Cooper-Hewitt Museum, a Smithsonian-owned building for the Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, the second phase of development of the Suitland properties, and continued storage facility development for the Air and Space Museum.

Beyond FY 1989, renovation, restoration, and modifications to existing space in Mall and other buildings will continue to be among the highest priorities of the Institution to enhance exhibitions and research programs, access by the handicapped, safety and health programs, and the general ability to preserve its historic facilities.