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Executive Committee, Audit and Review Committee, Investment Policy Committee, and other special committees, all of which conduct various elements of the Regents' business. When these committees and staff report on their actions and recommendations, the Regents must have the benefit of free and candid discussion for the effective discharge of their responsibilities. Indeed, it has been argued that, if the opening of meetings were judged by the Regents to impair their capacity to carry out their trustee responsibilities, they have an obligation to maintain present practice.

Certain additional actions will be taken in furtherance of the Regents' expressed objective of complete and timely communications with the Congress and the media. A representatve of the Regents, where possible the Chairman of their Executive Committee, will appear regularly with Institution staff at post-meeting press briefings. Agenda for the meeting will also be distributed to the press representatives at that time. The summary of proceedings, which has been widely distributed in the past, will routinely be supplied to the press and to interested Congressional Committees as soon as practicable after each meeting. 

The effectiveness off this policy will be monitored continually and reviewed periodically by the Regents.