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slurry wall. Actual underpinning of the Castle and slurry wall construction are scheduled to begin about mid-October, and completion of the structure is expected to require about one year. Interim mechanical and electrical installation will begin about October 1984. Finish work will begin early in 1985.

[[underlined]]Fund Raising[[/underlined]]

Private sector commitments to the Quadrangle now total $36,083,000-- only $1,417,000 short of the original $37,500,000 goal. The following table presents receipts through August 29, 1983: 

[[table, 4 columns]]
($1,000's) | [[underlined]] Funds in Hand | Pledges and Commitments | Total [[/underlined]]

Foreign Governments | $2,050 | $5,000 | $7,050
Foreign Organizations | 1,035 | 100 | 1,135
U.S. Corporations | 645 | 634 | 1,279
Individuals and Foundations | 3,727 | 7,126 | 10,853
Associates Contributions | 1,423 | - | 1,423 
Smithsonian Unrestricted Funds | 6,375 | 3,280 | 9,655
Earned Interest | 2,688 | - | 2,688
Sale of Capitol Hill Property | [[underlined]] - | 2,000 | 2,000 [[/underlined]]
Total | $17,943 | $18,140 | $36,083 [[/table]]

This total includes a %5,000,000 pledge from the Middle East and $9,655,000 in actual and anticipated transfers from unrestricted trust funds. The July 1983 [[underlined]] Newsletter to the Regents [[/underlined]] reported a $500,000 gift from a Saudi individual who wished to remain anonymous. Instructions have been received for this gift to be credited to the Dallas Establishment, the principal affiliate of AVCO in Saudi Arabia, although it is still not to be announced publicly. Other major gifts since the last report are $100,000 from the Japan Expo Fund, $50,000 from General Telephone Electronics, and $25,000 from Standard Chartered Bank and from the Riggs National Bank of