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Davidsonville Anne Arundel Co
April the 2nd 1868.

Rev Jno Kimball

Respected Sir
According to your request I've organized a Division of the Vanguard of Freedom in my Sundy School.

Our Association which was organized on the 22nd of March 1868 shall be known as the High Style Division of the Vanguard of Freedom & agree to be governed by the said Constitution & Rules. 

At our first meeting, Robert Crane was elected as Chief & Martha L Hoy as Scribe.

We have 15 Male members & 5 Females Total number being 20.

Dear Sir your proposition in regard to forming such a Society was an excellent one. I am highly

Transcription Notes:
There are some references to a Rev Kimball in other documents but it was a John if I remember correctly. "Jno" is an abbreviation for "John."