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One copy by W.B.T.
Revised by ^[[H.B.T. + S.J.]]

^[[cmfile for 1883]]

I [[header in top right corner of page]]

Smithsonian Institute.

Prof.G.Brown Goode,
Asst.Director Nat.Mus.

In accordance with directions received in your circular of Jan.3rd.1884, I have the honor to submit the following report of the Department of Reptiles, U.S.National Museum under my charge.

As in previous years the Museum through the kind efforts of its friends and collectors, has received many and valuable accessions to its different series, amongst the most noteworthy of which are the following.

From Dr.Robt.W.Shufeldt,U.S.A.,a large and interesting collection from the Mississippi Delta, embraceing about 678 specimens of about 36 species. While no new or especially rare forms have been secured, it will be of great value in studying the reptile fauna of the region, and for purposes of exchange with other museums.

Another interesting collection of 126 specimens from the vicinity of the Potomac River ,was received from the late Mr.Geo.Shoemaker, a young naturalist whose untimely demise must be greatly regretted by all students of natural history who have had the good fortune to be associated with his labors.

Mr.Robt.Ridgway, Curator of Birds, has found time notwithstanding his other duties

Transcription Notes:
Some handwritten notes and initials at the top of the page. A header that seems to be a page number is in the upper right corner.