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to collect and present 54 specimens of retules from the vicinity of Wheatland,Indiana.Some of these were living and have added greatly to the attractions of the serpent vivarium. Not the least important part of Mr.Ridgways work has been a careful series of notes regarding his specimens, the value of which can-not be overestimated. Among the very rare serpents were several belonging to the new sub-species described by the Curator in the Proceedings of the National Museum,1882,v,438, under the name of Ophibolus getulus niger, and this additional supply of material fully confirms the conclusions reached in the paper mentioned.

Mr.Theodore Roosevelt, has presented a collection of 67 specimens mostly from the state of New York.

We are again under obligations to Mr.L.Belding, of California, for a valuable and rare collection from La Paz, California.

The Kurrachee Library and Museum of British India, has presented a fine series of ^[[Indian]] reptiles, numbering 49 specimens. Many of these the Museum did not before possess.

Mr. Jose Zeledon of Costa Rica, has also presented a collection of 27 rare and valuable specimens made in the vicinity of his coffee plantation.

A valuable and almost unique collection of reptiles from Mauritius numbering 47 specimens has been presented by Mr. Nicholas Pike, of Brooklyn, formerly U.S.Consul to the island. This is only one of the many donations made the National Museum by this gentleman.

Mr.G.W.Marnock, of Helotes, Bexar,Co.Texas, has ^[[as]] in previous years added most materially to our collection, and from him have been received a number of ^[[specimens of]] species, not before possessed by the Museum.

Transcription Notes:
Almost all typewritten, with occasional handwritten additions.