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Other collections have been presented by Mr.Jas.Bell, of Gainesville, Florida.,Dr.Garnier, of Lucknow, Canada.,Mr.G.[[strikethrough]]P[[/strikethrough]]^[[M]].Merrill, of Auburn,Maine.,Lt.J.F.Moser,U.S.Navy, Dr.J.Schenk,C.H.Gilbert, Geo.Stolley, Wm.J.Taylor, H.F.Emeric, R.E.Earll, Dr.W.Nelson, C.R.Orcutt, Benj.Miller, B.A.Bean, J.B.Adams, and many others, in fact we have no cause for complaint as to scarcity of contributions. The routine work of the Department has been carried on by the Curator and two young assistants. It consists in entering promptly in the record book all accessions, the specimens having been previously identified when possible, and t agged with a stamped tin label bearing the current number. They are carefully examined with a view to determining in which series they should be placed, after which a separate record is made, so that at any time the specimen may be found without difficulty according to it classification. The entire collection of Reptiles is divided into two great series, one called the "Reserve series"intended for purposes of study, and from which is selected the exhibition set, the other entitled the "General series", from which selections are made for donations to other museums, or to amplify the "Reserve series". It is to be regretted that space would not admit of a proper display of the exhibition set of reptiles, domestic and foreign. In addition to the official Record Book of the Department, the following records are also kept with great care.

Record of Reserve Series.
Record of General Series.
Record of Letters received.
Record of Letters sent.
Record of Requisitions.

In these may be found recorded every matter of business transacted in the Department of Reptiles. It should be stated that no

Transcription Notes:
Spacing typed as in the letter. One name has an initial replaced by another with a strikethrough and hand-written insertion.