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F.W. Heyward, South Carolina. Chas. H. Townsend, Coast of Lower California. C.G.H. Lloyd, Tasmania. L.M. Turner, Fort Chimo G.P. Merrill, New Orleans, La. Albert Koeble, Surinam. Lt. George M. Stoney, U.S.N. Alaska. Newton Simmons, El Paso, Texas. Forest Ball, California.

It will be seen from this list that the friends of the National Museum are not unmindful of the needs of the Department of Reptiles, and while the number of accessions is not large, many valuable specimens have been secured.

"2nd. Statement of character of routine work in arranging and classifying the collections, and preparing the exhibition and study series."

The routine work of the Department of Reptiles, is precisly simular in character as has already been described in previous reports; careful attention being given to entering all specimens received, and in properly selecting those needed for the two great sets, known as the "reserve" and "general" series.

"3rd. Review of researches prosecuted upon material belonging to the department, with references to all papers published by the curator and his assistants, and to papers published by others upon material belonging to the department, between Jan and June 85"

A considerable amount of material has been forwarded to Prof. E.D. Cope for study and investidation, and will be treated of in his forthcoming work on South American Reptiles. No papers have been published by the curator or his assistant, on material belonging to the department.

"4th. Present state of collection."