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space now, than formerly. The imperative necessity for more room has been alluded to in previous reports.

[[double underlined]] Literary Work [[/double underlined]]

[[strikethrough]] IV. "Review of special researches prosecuted upon material belonging to the department." [[/strikethrough]]

The only paper published by the curator during the year, is entitled: "Recurrence of Symptoms of Poisoning after Snake-bites". [[strikethrough]]and appeared in the Medical News, Phila,. 1887, 1,623.  [[/strikethrough]] ^[[This is noticed in Part IV of the report.]] He has [[strikethrough]]also[[/strikethrough]] prepared a paper for "Wood's Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences", entitled: "Poisonous Reptiles of the United States." Prof. E. D. Cope has been specially employed by the Institution to prepare a report and description of the Batrachia of North America, the drawings and manuscript of the work are finished, and it is nearly ready to go to press. 

Transcription Notes:
Batrachia: an order of tailless amphibians that comprises the frogs and toads.