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[[strikethrough]] V. [[/strikethrough]][[double underlined]] Present state of the collection [[/double underlined]] [[strikethrough]] etc. [[/strikethrough]]

All of the reptile specimens are in excellent condition, but [[strikethrough]]as[[/strikethrough]] ^[[since]] they are stored away, as before mentioned, ^[[they]] are not as easy of access, for study and comparison, as formerly.   

[[strikethrough]] For the year ending June 30th 1887, the records stand as follows:

Number of entries in record book from July 1st 1886, to June 30th 1887, inclusive, 130 [[/strikethrough]] ^[[ There have been 130 entries made in the catalogue, ]] comprising 503 specimens. [[strikethrough]] Last catalogue number for June, 1886, 14592; last catalogue number for June, 1887. 14722. [[/strikethrough]]

Specimens rec'd for year ending June 30th '86  ....  1,705
" " " " " " " [[ditto for Specimens rec'd for year ending June 30th ]] '87  ....   503
" [[ditto for Specimens]] in "Reserve Series"   ....  9,631
" [[ditto for Specimens]] " [[ditto for in]] "General Series"   ....  8,819
Exhibition series, Domestic (selected for), .... 600
" " [[ditto for Exhibition series]] Foreign, " " [[ditto for (selected for), ]] ... 150
Not classified, and exotic specimens, probably, ... 6,134
Total: 27,542.