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The Chancellor opened the meeting by welcoming the new Regent Mr. Johnson and Mr. Griffin, attending as Chairman of the National Board of Smithsonian Associates.

[[underlined]] Minutes of the Meeting of September 19, 1983 [[/underlined]]

The Chancellor referred to the Minutes of the meeting of September 19, 1983 which had previously been distributed, and the Regents approved the following resolution:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the minutes of the Meeting of September 19, 1983 as previously circulate don October 20, 1983.

[[underlined]] Report of the Executive Committee [[/underlined]]

Mr. Humelsine reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents met at noon, Wednesday, January 4, 1984 in the Ladies Dining Room of the Supreme Court. Present were:

Warren E. Burger, Chancellor
Carlisle H. Humelsine, Chairman
David C, Acheson
S. Dillon Ripley, Secretary

Also present were Under Secretary Phillip S. Hughes; Assistant Secretary for Administration and Acting Treasurer John F. Jameson; Executive Assistant to the Secretary James M. Hobbins; and Assistant to the Chief Justice Mark W. Cannon. The Committee reviewed the proposed agenda for the January 23, 1984 meeting of the Board of Regents and observed that, with the amplifications below, the agenda papers reflect the Committee's views. The Committee expressly endorsed each of the proposed actions.

Mr. Humelsine noted that the Committee felt it was not necessary for Dr. Bowen to report on the work of the Search Committee at the Executive