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[[underlined]] Report of the Audit and Review Committee [[/underlined]]

Mr. Acheson introduced the following report of the Committee.


The Audit and Review Committee and the Personnel Committee of the Board of Regents met jointly on Tuesday, October 18, 1983, in the Regents' Room. Mr. Acheson called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Present were:

David C. Acheson, Chairman, Audit and Review Committee
Kenneth Rush, Chairman, Personnel Committee
Carlisle H. Humelsine
Robert B. Morgan
George H. Mahon

Mr. Mineta was unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Also present were:

Paul Schoellhamer, Assistant to Mr. Mineta
Carroll H. Leggett, Assistant to Senator Morgan

[[underlined]] Smithsonian Staff [[/underlined]]

Phillip S. Hughes, Under Secretary
John F. Jameson, Assistant Secretary for Administration
John E. Reinhardt, Assistant Secretary for History and Art
Paul N. Perrot, Assistant Secretary for Museum Programs
Peter G. Powers, General Counsel
Christian C. Hohenlohe, Treasurer
James M. Hobbins, Executive Assistant to the Secretary
Chris Peratino, Director, Office of Audits
Nazaret Cherkezian, Director, Office of Telecommunicatios
Peggy Loar, Director, Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service

[[underlined]] Coopers and Lybrand [[/underlined]]

A. William Mann, Partner-in-Charge

Mr. Acheson opened the meeting by observing the profound respect of the Audit and Review Committee for its late Chairman, Senator Jackson, and by noting the value the Committee derived from his wise and vigorous leadership.