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Bureau R. F.& A. L.
6th Sub Dist.
Charleston, West Va.,
May 4th, 1868.

Rev. John Kimball,
Supt. of Education:

Dr. Sir:

Enclosed I send you the April report of my school. I will go up and get the report of two other schools, and send them by next mail. The Point Pleasant school, I suppose, reports direct to you. It did not begin the fore part of April, as was intended, and so may not report this month. It either has begun another term, or is about to do so. The Brooks Hollow school has begun again. There is some trouble about the freedmen paying their share for the new school house, and some of the former rebels and anti-negro people, are using their influence to prevent its being paid for, with a view to buying it for other purposes, and so defeat the school. I write to Gen. Howard about it; by this mail.—The new school house in Charleston is finished, except the seats are not yet put in.