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his gifts of $4 million toward the construction of the Asian Art Gallery to bear his name and a magnificent collection of 1,000 art objects valued conservatively at more than %50 million. Mrs. Haupt is proposed for induction in recognition of her splendid pledge of $3 million to plan and create the gardens which will decorate the entire Quadrangle area upon the completion of construction. It was

VOTED that the Board of Regents, in recognition of their extraordinary contributions to the Smithsonian Institution, heartily endorses the induction of Dr. Arthur M. Sacker and Mrs. Enid A. Haupt into the Order of James Smithson.

Mr. Griffin reported on the National Board of Smithsonian Associates' spring meeting in St. Louis.

[[underlined]] Roby Collection [[/underlined]]

The Secretary announced that the Board of Directors of the Sara Roby Foundation had recently voted to offer the Foundation's extensive are collection to the National Museum of American Art without restrictions. The collection consists of 169 works and is known as one of the most important collections of modern American realist art. Mr. Ripley expressed great pleasure in this late-breaking development, in which feeling the Regents joined.

[[underlined]] Name of the National Museum of American History [[/underlined]]

Mr. Ripley recalled that in January 1984 the Board of Regents requested that staff review the desirability of changing the name of the National Museum of American History back to its original designation as the National Museum of History and Technology to communicate more clearly to the public the important fact that the history of science and technology remains a central concern of the Museum.

He noted that, after reviewing the matter in some detail, he and his staff have concluded that the addition of a short descriptive phrase to the Museum's present name, on signs, letterhead stationery and the like, would represent the preferred solution. Such a phrase would emphasize that the Museum's concerns embrace the [[underlined]] full [[/underlined]] range of American History, from social and cultural history to the history of science and technology.

After discussion the Regents agreed to address this matter more fully when the exact working of the subtitles can be considered.

[[underlined]] National Portrait Gallery Commission [[/underlined]]

The terms of three Commissioners expired recently and the National Portrait Gallery Commission recommended that the Board of Regents reappoint them. Accordingly, it was