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Two scholarly conferences will demonstrate the range of the Institution's historical, scientific, cultural, and humane interests.  The first conference will be organized in collaboration with the U.S. Information Agency and will feature presentations by six Smithsonian museum directors on topics concerning their museums' collections or interest.  This conference will be held at the Royal Scottish Museum on August 10 or 11.  Following the opening of the Festival they will deliver their lectures in two additional cities in the United Kingdom.  A second conference, also at the Royal Scottish Museum and scheduled for August 13, his entitled "The Anglo-American World of Science and Technology, 1750-1850, in Honor of the Smithson Bequest to the United States of American."
Special activities are being planned for the Regents, National Board members, and Smithsonian representatives who will be in Edinburgh between August 10 and 14.  Lois Katz, curator of the Sackler Collections, will give a tour of Dr. Arthur Sackler's exhibition of Chinese paintings at the University of Edinburgh gallery.  The Scottish National Trust has offered to arrange for Smithsonian guests tours of all parts of Trust properties and conservancies.  Walking tours of Edinburgh will be given by keepers of the collections at the Royal Scottish Museum.  Invitations for visits have been received from the owners of several historically significant Scottish country houses.  Dr. Richard Howland and Mr. James Buckler of the Smithsonian are planning excursions in and around Edinburgh, including visits to Edinburgh's famous gardens.  After the activitis surrounding the Festival opening, Dr. Howland and Mr. Buckler will also lead a tour of the Scottish Highlands for those who wish to remain in Scotland a while longer.  The tour will commence on August 15 and conclude on August 19.  The following tentative schedule has been suggested: