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6, 1888, pp.417-424.

Triats of [[underlined]] Proganschelys quenstedtii [[/underlined]] Baur;  Attempt at a classification of the typical [[underlined]] Pleurodira [[/underlined]];  Osteological peculiarities of the living [[underlined]] Pleurodira [[/underlined]];  and [[underlined]] Colpochelys [[/underlined]] Garman.

G. Baur.  Ostrologische Notizen über Reptilien.  (Fortsetzung IV.).
[[underlined]] Zoologischer Anzriger [[/underlined]], XI, No.291, Oct. 22, 1888, pp.592-597.
Besides additional notes on the osteological pecularities of the living [[underlined]] Pleurodira [[/underlined]], and a short one on the occipital condyle of [[underlined]] Pelomedusa subrufa [[/underlined]] La Cep., the present "Fortsetzung" is devoted to a discussion of the "Systematic