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The result of the author's researches is summed up as follows:-  "I am inclined to consider [[underlined]] Meiolania [[/underlined]] as a highly specialized branch of the true land-tortoises".

G. Baur.  On [[underlined]] "Aulacochelys" [[/underlined]], Lydekker, and the Systematic Position of [[underlined]] Anosteira [[/underlined]], Leidy, and [[underlined]] Pseudotrionyx [[/underlined]], Dollo.
[[underlined]] Annals and Magazine of Natural History [[/underlined]], (6) III, March, 1889, pp.273-276.
The author considers the genus [[underlined]] Aulacochelys [[/underlined]] as not entitled to recognition being based upon trivial characters.  He also gives his reasons for refering [[underlined]] Anosteira [[/underlined]] either to the Staurotypidae or the Cinosternidae, but concludes by provisionally