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following Boulenger in placing this genus with [[underlined]] Pseudotrionyx [[/underlined]] in a separate family.

G. Baur.  Die Systematische Stellung von [[underlined]] Dermochelys [[/underlined]] Blainv.
[[underlined]] Biologisches Centralblatt [[/underlined]], IX, No.5, May 1, 1889, pp.149-153, and concluded in No. 6, May 15, 1889, pp.180-191.
Author maintains his former standpoint that [[underlined]] Dermochelys [[/underlined]] should not be removed from the "Pinnata", and that the group [[underlined]] "Athecae" [[/underlined]] is not well founded.

E.D. Cope.  On a New Species of Charina from California.
[[underlined]] Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. [[/underlined]], XI, 1888, p.88
Described as a new species [[underlined]] Charina brachyops. [[/underlined]]