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[[Underscore]]Herbert Brown[[/Underscore]], Tucson Arizona. -
a specimen of Scink ([[Underscore]]Eumeces [[/Underscore]][[Underscore]]obsoletus[[/Underscore]]), from Tucson (gift).
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[[Underscore]]E.O. Matthews[[/Underscore]], St. Louis, Mo. - A specimen of Rattlesnake (Underscore]]Crotalus[[/Underscore]] [[Underscore]]horridus[[/Underscore]])from Indian Territory. (Gift).
[[Underscore]]Julius Hurter[[/Underscore]]St. Louis, Mo. - 6^[[X]]specimens, 5 species, snakes and batrachians from St. Louis. (Gift)
[[Underscore]]U. S. Fish Commission[[/Underscore]], Washington, DC. - 69 specimens, 12 species, mostly collected by Mr. Chas. H. Townsend during the exploration of the Gulf of California and adjacent waters, in 1889, by the Fish Commission S.S. "Albatross." The collection is very interesting and valuable, containing among other species, a series of [[Underscore]]Uta[[/Underscore]]