Viewing page 27 of 93

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of [[underline]] Phrynosoma brevirostre [[/underline]] , collected in Idaho by mr. V. O. Bailey (Deposited). 

[[underline]] Packages sent out. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] By mail. 
C. R. Orcutt, [[/underline]] San Diego, Cal. — Specimens returned to owner. 

[[underline]] Minor routine work. [[/underline]]
Official letters written ...... 3
" [[ditto for:official]] memoranda " [[ditto for : written]] ..... 10
Memoranda of packing " [[ditto for: written]] .... 1
Requisitions for work " [[ditto for: written]] .... 2
"  " [[ditto for: Requisitions for]] supplies (house) " [[ditto for: written]] .. 4
" " " [[ditto for: Requisitions for supplies]] (outside) " [[ditto for: written]] .. 1
Monthly report for August " [[ditto for: written]] .. pages 6

Transcription Notes:
all numbers are right justified with dotted line leads.