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[[underlined]]Fiscal Year 1985[[/underlined]]: An increase of $1,667,000 above the Institution's request for Federal appropriations in fiscal year 1985 was recommended by the House compared to a reduction of $8,961,000 recommended by the Senate. Important program increases were approved by both chambers for replacement of scientific equipment, for libraries' acquisitions and cataloguing, for contractual architectural/engineering services and for Quadrangle operations, while support was denied by both chambers for the International Center, for the purchase of land in Arizona for the Astrophysical Observatory, for position conversion at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum and for supplies and contractual services used by the Office of Plant Services. The major areas of disagreement between the House and Senate action involve the Senate's denial of approximately $3.5 million in add-ons recommended by the House and a reduction of $7.3 million recommended by the Senate on funding for Museum Support Center operations and equipment. The full amount of the Institution's request for the Special Foreign Currency Program and the construction accounts was approved, with both the House and Senate recommending funding above the requested amount for Zoo construction.

Net income from Unrestricted General Trust Funds is expected to total $19,700,000 in fiscal year 1985, a decline of $910,000 from the fiscal year 1984 level, due primarily to projected lower revenues from restaurant concessions and the Smithsonian recording program. New and increased program support is budgeted for the International Center ($437,000), for the Cooper-Hewitt Museum ($300,000), for the new Special Exhibitions Program ($3,000,000), for the Fellowship Program ($442,000), and for the conversion expenses ($500,000) involved in the acquisition of a new IBM mainframe computer. The transfer to Unrestricted Endowment is budgeted to continue at the fiscal year 1984 level of $3 million. In addition $300,000 is budgeted for transfer to Plant Funds, primarily for land acquisition at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. While income to Special Purpose Funds is expected to increase slightly over the fiscal year 1984 level, a substantial increase of $3 million is expected in restricted income as a result of fund-raising activities for programs of the International Center and exhibition-related programs at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum and the Museum of American History. The Board of Regents expressed no objection to the proposed increase in ticket prices for the National Air and Space Museum's Theater and Spacearium. An increase of about $1 million is anticipated in Federal Grant and Contract activity, principally for research programs at the National Museum of Natural History and the Astrophysical Observatory.

The following motions were approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves the revised budget of appropriated funds for fiscal year 1985 and authorizes the Secretary to expend fiscal year 1985 Federal appropriations in accordance therewith and as approved by the President.