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[[underlined]] Proposed Gift of Patent Model Collection [[/underlined]]

J. Morgan Greene, a West Coast attorney, has informed the Institution of his intent to form a not-for-profit corporation entitled the "United States Patent Model Foundation," which will have as one of its purposes "... to cooperate with museums, including the National Museum of American History of the Smithsonian Institution, in providing for the safekeeping and display of patent models."  As its first major undertaking, the Foundation intends to purchase and then donate the largest surviving collection of patent models which is in private hands, along with funds for its transfer, storage and maintenance.  The Foundation further intends to raise additional funds in support of the Museum's restoration and exhibition of the collection and to construct a 15,000-square-foot storage facility at Silver Hill where all patent models and other objects can be store.

In discussion the Regents expressed their concern that the Institution's integrity should not be compromised by any such arrangements, particularly if there is any chance that the individual would stand to gain personally through the proposed transaction.  In view of the benefits which would flow to the Smithsonian under the proposal, however, and with certain caveats in mind, the Board adopted the following resolution:

VOTED that the Board of Regents approves continued discussions between Mr. Greene and the Smithsonian in anticipation of significant benefits accruing to the National Museum of American History from the establishment of the U.S. Patent Model Foundation.  It is stressed, however, that no agreement should be entered into committing the Institution to accept donations of objects or funds from the Foundation unless adequate safeguards are in place to assure close control by the Smithsonian of the Foundation's fund-raising activities on behalf of the National Museum of American History, and to assure that subsequent contributions from the Foundation to the Smithsonian support mutually agreed upon increments of work.

[[underlined]] Proposed Transfer of Eastman Photography Collection [[/underlined]]

As announced to the press on July 19, the Trustees of George Eastman House/International Museum of Photography, Rochester, New York, have voted to pursue negotiations to transfer the Museum's collections to the Smithsonian Institution.  As envisioned, the collection of photographs and films, and the library and artifacts related to the history of photography, one of the world's most important, would be housed primarily at the National Museum of American History.  The Trustees proposed to give the collections to the Smithsonian, but to retain an exhibition facility at the George Eastman House.

With the addition of the Eastman resources, the Smithsonian would have the opportunity to develop a superlative center for the study of photography, a peerless resource for research, publication, and the production of