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Union Chapel Trustees School.Report

June 30th 1870 We the Trustees do here by give our full report to you concerning Miss Lucinda Smith our teacher who has left us onely for a Short time  We inform you Sir that Miss Lucinda Smith has discharge her duty in evry particular to wards her School and the Elevation of this School is improveing [[strikethrough]] dayly [[/strikethrough]] daly She al so has her School properly organize according to her Best ability Wich gives us ample satisfaction We thare fore Enclose to you in this Envelope our Wishes and desiers  Dear Sir if you send Teachers as you formly has done please Send us Miss Lucinda Smith for the next term as we has no charges against her at all 
and by so doing. You will oblige the Trustees at Union Chapel Traceys Landing A A Co MD

Trustees Richard Johnson. Thomas Harvey David Gant. John Bias: Henry Hall  Robert Hall  Zefiah Hardesty  Bedfoot Magruder.  Wm H Randall