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[[preprinted]] This Indenture, made the ^[[fifth]] day of ^[[March]] in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy , between ^[[Theodore Gover and [[strikethrough]] Harriet Gover his wife [[/strikethrough]] Hager Gover his wife]] of the first part, and ^[[George Turner, William Bond, Abraham Evans Thomas Moore and Henry Brown all of Harford County in the State of Maryland]] trustees, of the second part, ^[[who have been elected by the colored people to act as such]]

Witnesseth, that the said part^[[ies]] of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of ^[[Five Dollars]] dollars lawful money of the United States of America, to ^[[them]] in hand paid by the said part^[[ies]] of the second pary, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents [[illegible]], bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey, and confirm unto the said part^[[ies]] of the second part, and to ^[[their]] heirs and assigns forever, (in trust nevertheless for the purposes of a site for a school-house to be used for the education of freedmen, and children irrespective of race or color,) all that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the county of ^[[Harford]] in the State of ^[[Maryland]] and described as follows, viz: [[/preprinted]]

Beginning for the same at a stone set in the ground 26 Links South six degrees West from the stone which marks the north west corner of said Theodore & Hagar Govers whole farm, thence south six degrees west bounding on the lands formerly owned by James Preston Five Hundred and Five Links to a stone thence South Eightythree and one half degrees West Eightythree Links to a stone, thence North Five and one half degrees East Five Hundred and Five Links to a Sassafras tree six inches in diameter marked, thence North Eighty degrees West Eightythree Links to a stone to the place of beginning, containing Sixtyseven perches of land more or less in fee simple