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United States Internal Revenue,
Assessor's Office, 3d District, Maryland.
Baltimore, April 9th 1870

Major W. L. Van Derlip

Dear Sir
Yours of 8th just received, and I know of no cause at present to prevent me from accompanying you on the 18th in which case we had better leave Balto on the five P.M. train, unless you could meet me at Magnolia on the 7.25 A.M. train, and proceed from there and make the circuit.

Have not heard from you respecting the Forrest Hill appropriation since I forwarded the bill and receipt would like to have it as early as possible as they are now at work, and as the people are poor this season of the year will need the money, and are desirous to make the money do as much as possible and pay nothing for time.

Yours Respectfully
Geo M McComas