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Pittsburg. Dec. 16/65.

John Kimball.
Washington. D.C.

Dear Sir,
Your note with regard to the school under our direction & support in Washington, came to hand this morning. I commissioned a man to take charge of the school two weeks ago, and supposed he would be on the ground before now. I will have a man there within a week, and will also send all the teachers needed, as fast as I can find suitable ones. We have suffered for want of teachers of the right sort, and I am now anxious to send good ones. We have no idea of relinquishing the place. With high regard for your kindness, and the suggestions you make, and with the earnest desire that you will freely express to me your views with regard to our teachers and schools. I am yours &c.
[[signature]] S.C. Logan [[/signature]]
Cor. Sec. C.Y.