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THE AMERICAN BAPTIST HOME MISSION SOCIETY, having the everlasting Gospel to preach to all of every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people in North America, solicits your hearty co-operation, your liberal contributions, and your effectual and fervent prayers.

The following table will show the constant growth of our work during the past four years:

[[four columns]]

| [[Year]] | Receipts.| Missionaries Employed. | Baptisms Reported.|
| For the year ending March 31, 1863 | $35,383 67 | 96 | 494 |

| " " " " [[dittos For the year ending March 31,]] 1864 | 60,355 69 | 173 | 882 |

| " " " " [[dittos For the year ending March 31,]] 1865 | 105,309 65| 248 | 2,134 |

| " " " " [[dittos For the year ending March 31,]] 1866 | 119,870 85| 327 | 4,151 |

Contributions may be forwarded to Rev. J.S. BACKUS, 39 Park Row, New York, for the support of Missionaries, or for the Freedmen's Fund, to support teachers South, or for the Church Edifice Fund, to aid in building meeting-houses. Any Baptist Church that pays Ten Dollars can be represented by a delegate at the annual meeting; Thirty Dollars will constitute you or your friend a Life Member; and One Hundred Dollars a Life Director. Give as you love your country. Give as you love Christ. Give as Christ gave for you. Give while you live; and before you die say in your Will: "I give and bequeath to the American Baptist Home Mission Society, formed in the City of New York in eighteen hundred and 
thirty-two, the sum of [[blank line]] dollars, for the purposes of the Society." For all of which we give you credit, and God will give you his blessing.

New York, ^[[Nov 22]], 186^[[6]]
ROOM 16, No. 39 PARK ROW.

John Kimball
Supt of Schools
Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Washington D.C.

The Executive Board of the A.B.H.M. Society have requested Rev. E E L Taylor DD one of their Secretaries to visit Washington and confer [[strikethrough]] upon [[/strikethrough]] with you and others upon matters pertaining to our Schools &c

We hope he will be able to do so very soon

Fraternally yours
[[signature]] J.S. Backus [[/signature]]
Cor Secy
A B H M S.